Thursday, December 3, 2009

American Flag Propaganda?

Recently I was at a local law office and was conversing with a person (Person X) who will (at this time) remain anonymous. I was completely and utterly shocked to learn of an incident with Person X's neighbor. The neighbor took offense to Person X flying an American flag calling the flag "propaganda" and stating that she does not want to see the flag. Following many conversations and letters regarding the flag, the neighbor decided to use all methods available including legally questionable pressure, in an effort to cause Person X to take down the flag. I am proud to say that the flag is still flying...but this anti American sentiment in my local area has troubled me.

My thoughts will follow...but what do you think? Why the trouble with the flag, I mean after all it is the freedom which that flag represents that allows Person X's neighbor to take issue with the flag.


Jim Lake said...

There is, I am afraid, a concerted effort by the left in this country to "erase' our American-ness so that it will enable them to accomplish their goal of a new "global' order. In order for them to acheive this, they first have to marginalize the United States. You see the evidence of this daily in the news. What makes this even more distrubing is the accelerated pace this trend has taken in last couple of years. All americans should be alarmed. We need to resist effort.

Anonymous said...

Hey bud,
Been far to long since we spook. Hope everything is OK. If you can, drop by and say hello over at TVPC. We miss you bud.