Thursday, December 3, 2009

American Flag Propaganda?

Recently I was at a local law office and was conversing with a person (Person X) who will (at this time) remain anonymous. I was completely and utterly shocked to learn of an incident with Person X's neighbor. The neighbor took offense to Person X flying an American flag calling the flag "propaganda" and stating that she does not want to see the flag. Following many conversations and letters regarding the flag, the neighbor decided to use all methods available including legally questionable pressure, in an effort to cause Person X to take down the flag. I am proud to say that the flag is still flying...but this anti American sentiment in my local area has troubled me.

My thoughts will follow...but what do you think? Why the trouble with the flag, I mean after all it is the freedom which that flag represents that allows Person X's neighbor to take issue with the flag.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Swine flu hit very hard, finally back ..posts will start again very soon.

Just wanted to say one quick thing, 3 hours from NYC is not far enough for me. A terrorist is going on trial, on taxpayer dime, with US civilian rights, and the possibility of being released. God forbid he is released...God forbid!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here We Go Again

Again with the apparent State level decisions which make no sense. While I "feel" for NYS Politicians, workers and Judges, I also am firm believer in fiscal conservatism which includes spending cuts to balance a budget. Rather than imposing a tax (direct property or indirect bottle deposit) cut reckless spending. Basically NYS is broke and the sole cause of this is years of overspending, corruption and lack of fiscal responsibility. Press Article 1

Instead of spending cuts, this states government raises expense accounts for Judges. Press Article 2

To bad you haven't had a raise, to bad costs are rising just because you are in some branch of government does not mean you should be exempt from what the "people" who are struggling face. We The People struggle, you the employee of the people do not get any raise, spending account increase etc until the budget is balanced, crises are averted and We The People see prosperity!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

An Act Now Will Impact THe Later

Just a quick note, look at the "old" Community Reinvestment Act. Don't listen to your local politicians or naysayers. While responsibility is in many places the Government screwed us up once again, 20 years ago. Look

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Numbers Boss The Numbers

The numbers are in, look at the cuts which our local school districts will see. Patterson claimed he was cutting, and boy is he ever! The Big Chopper

Again I wonder how many jobs this will cost...wait the Union has controll over the local schools employees so what will happen now? We will soon find out!

Local Press

My is frustration growing and it is focussed at local print media outlet Gannet (Press and Sun Bulletin) news. While many demonstrations, protests and events which support the current Federal government administrations agenda get print coverage, (whether there are 10 people or 100 people) a local tea party group which regularly gathers hundreds, sees little to no coverage. (even after contacting Gannet news, in an effort to give the paper a heads up)

I ask why?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Counteracting Policies

I understand the complexity of the political realm, but this has me utterly confused.

Near the end of Press Article 2, Author Debbie Swartz reveals that " Job gains in the private sector were realized in two areas since last year, education and health services, which saw an increase of 200 jobs". Great, job gains are a move forward out of this financial mess our greedy politicians, slick bankers and naive public took us.

Yet in Press Article 3 Mr Joseph Spector reveals New York States Governor David Patterson has to make "Big Cuts" and realizes the citizens of this state need leadership. I would agree, we New Yorkers need leadership. Compitent Leadership. According to the article, Pattersons cuts would include a cut to school funding of less than 4.5%. (shhhh that is the largest cut to any program). The cuts are based on a districts wealth so "wealthy" suburban disctricts (hello Southerntier) "would be hit the hardest".

After New Yok States infinitely wise leader cuts funding to the school discticts,(Press Article 3) I wonder what will happen to the school based jobs which saw a slight increase in employment numbers?(Press Article 2) Hmm?

State and Local Stimulus

The results are in and the Southerntier of New York was able to use Federal Stimulus monies to create or retain 3.5 jobs. (Press Article 1)

Please help me out with this one, what is a retained job? And how is this measured?

Now, I wonder what the net numer of jobs created or retained is when taking a long look at this. (Press Article 2)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The dilemma or the deliverance

Nestled on the bank where the Chenango and Susquehanna Rivers join, is this place, this city, this "Twilight Zone" (Rod Serling) named Binghamton. The upstate Conservative farming mentality meets with the downstate Progressive lifestyle during the yearly migration of "Long Island residents" whom inundate the halls of Binghamton University with their unique perspective on life. The differences local "townies" and migrant "city folk" have in both mentality and lifestyle becomes more pronounced when political opinions are thrown into the mix. The traditionally Conservative upstate is at odds with the blatantly Liberal downstate, setting the scene for a unique marriage of resident and collegiate year resident. Local policy makers often relish the economic boost brought by "New York City dollars" yet publicly balk at the idea of concessions to those entities whom are not involved in the local political process. Yet one must wonder (in private) are some local policies crafted and local decisions made in the hopes of garnering downstate political favor? In the State Legislature this favor could translate into more scraps being thrown upstate (at least as far as Binghamton)
To digress, this blog will examine three realms which have a unique confluence in Binghamton. The Rural / Urban, the Conservative / Liberal and the Personal /Public. All aspects of local life will be used and looked at through the lenses stated above. As Mr. Serling aptly put it " You are about to enter the Twilight Zone" (Rod Serling TV series "The Twilight Zone")